Artículos del Doctor Romero (Odontopediatría)

Análisis de las causas de exodoncia en la población infantil atendidos en una clínica universitaria

Applying the Cognitive Vulnerability model to the analysis of cognitive and family influences on children´s dental fear.

Concentración de fluoruros en las aguas minerales naturales envasadas en España y Portugal. Relación con la prevención de la caries y la fluorosis dental

Dental fear and expected effectiveness of destructive coping as predictors of children´s uncooperative intentions in dental settings.

Dental fear-related cognitive vulnerability perceptions, dental prevention beliefs, dental visiting, and caries. A cross-sectional study in Madrid (Spain).

El Ezcema constitucional. Una enfermedad dermatológica con repercusiones en odontopediatría

El ratón Pérez y otras costumbres populares relacionadas con la caída de los dientes de leche

Emotional contagion of dental fear to children. The fathers’ mediating role in parental transfer of fear

Eruption of Primary dentition. A grave health problem according to spanish doctors of the XVI XVII centuries

Hemangiofangioma en la infancia. Localización inusual.

Maternal Education, Dental Visits and Age of Pacifier Withdrawal. Pediatric dentist role in malocclusion prevention

Mouth ulcers a deadly disease for children from the sixteenth to eighteenth centuries.

Odontopediatría y Ortodoncía en pediatría.

Open bite due to lip sucking. A case report.

Primary dentin etching time, bond strength and ultra-structure characterization of dentin surfaces.

Pulpectomía de un segundo molar temporal inferior con cuatro conductos.

Quemaduras eléctricas bucales. Su repercusión en la infancia.

Restoration of a fractured primary incisor

Scientific Ideas on Muguet (Thrush) in the XVIII Century

Self-assessed oral health, cognitive vulnerability and dental anxiety in children. Testing a mediational model.

The influence of gender on the relationship between dental anxiety and oral health-related emotional well-being.

The moderating role of dental espectancies on the relationship between cognitive vulnerability and dental fear in children and adolescents

Tongue and lip frenectomy in spanish medical texts of the 16th 18th centuries

Treatment experience, frequency of dental visits, and children´s dental fear. A cognitive approach.

Un caso de agenesia de incisivos permanentes y de sus correspondientes piezas deciduas.